Friends of St Mary's logo St Mary's church, Church Road, Winkfield, Berks, SL4 4SF

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Renew your Subscription

Friends of St Mary's Winkfield

Registered Charity 1162342

St Mary's church, Church Road, Winkfield, Berks, SL4 4SF
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Sunday September 8 is the 15th Sunday after Trinity. There wil be Said Holy Communion at 8am, followed at 10am by St Mary's Patronal Service and Family Communion. All are welcome.

Future event flyers are HERE. Use the buttons below to navigate to a webpage of interest.

Parish Notice Sheet items - visit Parish Website via purple button above

Read the current Parish Mag HERE .

Scroll up or click HERE to return to the top of the page.


Friends' subscriptions expire each year on the anniversary of the last day of the month of subscription. We will normally remind you as or when you reach the end of your subscription period, unless you have set up a standing order, which is a trouble-free way of doing it.

We will send you an acknowledgement of your payment within a few days, if possible. Please be in touch with us if you do not hear from us soon after your payment, using the email link above

Membership renewal costs just £20 per annum for Individual Membership, or £30 for Family Membership. You may give an additional donation if you so wish.

If you are a UK taxpayer and have not already provided us with a Gift Aid declaration (see above), please consider doing so. This is really valuable for us, as we can then claim 25% of your subscription (and donations) back from HMRC, to assist with our work. Please fill in a Gift Aid form and send or give it to us.

Scroll up or click HERE to return to the top of the page.

Contact us by email at 'INFO' (
CAFDonate to Friends Electrics and General appeal

Generated 02-Sep-2024 11:30:18