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On Sunday 29 September, the 18th Sunday after Trinity, the service was Crafty Choral Matins, in Celebration of St Mary’s Bells. The service began with the Handbell Ringers ringing 'The Bells of St Mary’s'. Then the service began. The children brought the bells they had made at Crafty Church the week before to the Chancel steps and read two poems. Jill Glennerster gave a short talk on Handbells and Tony Bish talked about the history of St Mary’s Bells. He invited the children to the Chancel steps again and with the help of the 'professional' bell ringers demonstrated 'Change Ringing'.
The choir anthem was 'Holy Father bless them'. William Bishop ended the service with a performance of Carillon by Herbert Murrill, and then many visited the Tower.
Sunday 22 September the 17th Sunday after Trinity began with the 0800 Said Communion service as always a wonderful start to the day. Then followed Crafty Church all about making bells in readiness for Crafty Choral Matins on 29 September. The children read the prayers and bible readings as usual and also sang one verse of a harvest hymn with William Bishop leading them. Morning Prayer began at 1100 led by John Kimbell. Several of our extra singers sang with us and the choir anthem was O sacred head, surrounded. William ended the service with an excellent performance of Toccata Primi Toni - Einar Trærup-Sark.
Sunday 15 September, the 16th Sunday after Trinity, began with a Family Praise service about the parable of the Wise and Foolish Builder. The children participated as usual with the Bible passages and prayers. We were joined at the service by our new organist William Bishop. The Tower bell ringers arrived and began to ring as the choristers arrived for their first rehearsal with William. Several of our extra singers joined us. The choir communion hymn was 'Draw near and take the body of the Lord' and the communion settings were Kyrie, Sanctus and Benedictus from MacMillan’s St Anne’s Mass and the Agnus Dei and Gloria - Merbeck. William’s voluntary at the end was an excellent performance of the Dambusters march- arranged by Anthony Baldwin. Sunday was also the anniversary of the Battle of Britain.
The Tower bells began the celebrations on Sunday 8 September for the Patronal service at St Mary’s celebrating The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and also the Accession of King Charles III. The choir anthems during the communion were 'Lead me Lord' and 'Spirit of God'. William Bishop, our new lead organist joined us for this service along with Henry Smith, who ended the service with a rousing performance of Franz Schmidt's 'Prelude in D major'.
Sunday 1 September 14th Sunday after Trinity began with the welcome sound of the Tower Bells. The Family Matins service used the story of David and Goliath, beautifully told. The children read the Bible passages and prayers. We welcomed Henry Smith, one of our organists, on his return from holiday. He played the hymns, and his voluntary at the end of the service was Prelude in F major by Raffy.
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