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Sunday 1 September 14th Sunday after Trinity began with the welcome sound of the Tower Bells. The Family Matins service used the story of David and Goliath, beautifully told. The children read the Bible passages and prayers. We welcomed Henry Smith, one of our organists, on his return from holiday. He played the hymns, and his voluntary at the end of the service was Prelude in F major by Raffy.
Sunday 25 August the Thirteenth Sunday began as always with the welcome sound of the Tower Bells. The first service of the day was Family Praise, and the story was about The Blind Man. The children read the Bible readings and prayers as always. This was followed by Holy Communion led by Canon Dagnall, his second visit to St Mary’s this month, and we are very grateful to him. The Hand Bells ringers rang Amazing Grace and the choir sang Martin How’s Day by Day. John Tuffley ended the service with an excellent performance of No.1, Postlude of three pieces by Leon Boellman.
Sunday 18 August the 12th Sunday after Trinity began with a service of Family Praise, telling the story of the Prodigal Son. As usual the children read the readings and bibles passages. There was a little hitch with the sound system which didn’t last for long nor did it deter any of the children. This was followed at 11am by Morning Prayer led by John Kimbell. The choir, with several of our extra singers, performed Rutter's “Gaelic Blessing”. Josh Tuffley was the organist and ended the service with a performance of Andante Religioso from Organ Sonata No.4, Mendelssohn.
On Sunday 11th August, The Tower Bells once again welcomed all to church. The service was Family Matins, and the story was about the Transfiguration of Jesus, which the children told beautifully. They also read all the bible readings and prayers. Madeline Holl very kindly played for the hymns.
Family Communion on 4 August the Tenth Sunday after Trinity was led by Canon Dagnall. It was so good to see him again. Several of our extra singers joined us and sang John Rutter’s 'The Lord bless you and keep you' as the congregation took their communion. David Pether was the organist and accompanied the Stopford beautifully; his voluntary at the end of the service was 'Marche aux Flambeaux' by Rev. Frederick Scotson Clark (1840 - 1883). A most uplifting service.
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